Deal with a variety of unwelcome pests such as raccoons, possum, rats and of course those pesky mosquitos we are famous for. No one wants to have to call a pest control service but it’s a fact of life at times. How do you know a good pest control company from a bad one? That’s just one of the questions many people ask when realizing they need professional help with their pest problem but there is a lot more to choosing the right company. You want to make sure you are getting the most for your money and not just clicking on the first result that comes up in Google
There are many pest control providers and the surrounding suburbs, however there is a stark difference in what providers specialize in or don’t specialize in. Just because they are a pest control service, does not mean they will offer the specific treatment or pest removal you may need. For example, let’s say you have an ant infestation or a flea problem around your home; you Google for a pest control provider Pest Control and explain to them the situation and they will likely be glad to help you; but that’s ants & fleas. What happens when you live near a bayou and a gator or raccoon wanders into your backyard? Do you just call the same pest control company for that as well? Maybe, but not all pest control companies will be suitable for every situation; some specialize in reptile removal, endangered bird relocation for example, and some only handle insects and small rodents. You have to know what you are dealing with to find the right provider that matches up with those needs
Everyday Pest Control Requests
Typically most of our calls are simply to prevent and control many of the pests common to the area such as ants, love bugs, crickets, spiders, fleas, rodents and other pests common to this region. There are some factors to deciding the proper treatment you will need for your home in order to achieve the best result based on your circumstances. Taking these variables into consideration will ensure that the treatment outcome matches your expectations and fulfills your pest control needs based on those variables.
What level of pest activity are you dealing with and what is your tolerance threshold for pest activity? This will make a big difference because 100% eradication of some pests like ants and spiders is just not feasible while more uncommon pests such as fleas and earwigs can be nearly 100% eradicated. Ants and spiders are so common to the ecosystem that you have to find the acceptable level of pest activity that does not interfere with your family’s peace of mind. For example, a small ant pile here or there might not be a problem; but, 3 foot high mounds all over your yard are definitely a different issue. Finding the answers to these questions will help us to know what type of control strategy to use so we can meet your expectations.
Are you open to a regular service plan? Typically if you want to maintain control of your home and yard and not just put a bandage on the situation, then a regular automatic service plan is the most popular option. Usually set up for bi-monthly visits, this will keep your yard free from infestation and keep your pest activity to a minimum. Treatments should be guaranteed and offer free emergency treatments between regularly scheduled ones should there be any unusual activity between visits due to weather or something else. Keep in mind that if you have a very heavy infestation or your tolerance for pest activity is very low most pest control companies also offer monthly services instead of the longer intervals between treatments.

Some people may think these furry critters are cute and cuddly, but when they’re infesting your home, they are anything but.
Did you know that the word “mouse” is derived from the Sanskrit verb meaning “to steal”? These furry creatures have been living up to this reputation for thousands of years, and today, you can find this kind of mouse almost every region of the world. In fact, in most parts of the world, the house mouse is the #1 rodent pest.
This creature is known by many names, including black rat, house rat, and ship rat. Unlike the ground-dwelling rat, which can be found almost everywhere, the roof rat prefers dwelling in roofs and treetops. Because of this, the roof rat is less dependent on human foods than the rat. But that doesn’t mean the roof rat is a good houseguest. These rodents pose another threat: gnawing damage.
You’ll be able to find these creatures in crawlspaces beneath buildings, like underneath porches, or in the attics of houses. If you truly want to protect your house from these creatures, “opossum-proofing” your house is your best option. That means locating the holes where they’re getting into the house and sealing those openings off when the opossums are gone. To get the opossums out in the first place, live trapping is very effective when you use the proper bait
Opossums are “true omnivores” and will eat anything they can, from small mammals and mushrooms to garbage and vegetables. In fact, that’s one reason you’ll see them by the road so often—they’re trying to feed on roadkill. Uncovered trash cans or trash bags left on the side of the road are easy targets for food, so placing your trash in a covered container will help lower your chances of their meddling with them and making a mess you’ll have to clean up later.
Opossums may be ugly by some standards, but they are incredibly helpful mammals. Because they eat insects and snakes, a lot of property owners consider them beneficial. Opossums are nomadic, and seldom stay long in any place. They will use abandoned burrows or crawl spaces, but they will not dig their own. Opossums are nocturnal, slow-movers, and generally friendly toward humans. When threatened, the opossum has a seizure-like response, causing it to faint and “play dead”. This is not a voluntary response–opossums have developed that reaction biologically. They also release a foul-smelling liquid during this response that smells like rotten meat, because predators rarely choose to eat rotting meat.
Problems with Opossums
Opossums’ teeth are not meant for attacking or even preying on animals; their teeth are good for chewing and holding. They do not attack humans, and instead will play “dead” when danger is perceived. Opossums don’t dig holes, destroy gardens, bite, sting, or stay in one place for very long. In short, opossums aren’t really pests at all.
Prevention of Opossums
Opossums want two things: food and shelter. Here is a list of preventative measures:
Make sure all spaces around or under your home are carefully sealed or fenced off. Opossums do like sleeping under porches or in attics, if there’s a way in.
Make sure your garbage areas are controlled and tidy, and all lids or closures are secure.
Don’t leave pet food out at night.
If you do have any abandoned burrows in your yard, fill them in.
Eliminating Opossums
If you do have a problem with opossums in your yard, there are multiple methods of removing opossums. It’s always best to call a professional pest control expert, as they can choose the most effective way to rid your yard of these backyard loungers.
2020 How much does pest control cost?
If you have household pests, you want to get rid of them, fast! Not only can they be a nuisance, but they could – in the case of termites for one – cause significant structural damage to your home. The best and safest way to get rid of pests is to hire a professional pest control service. They have the expertise, training and license to carry out this sort of work – especially considering that noxious chemicals are often used.
You can expect pest control to cost anywhere from $300 to $700, depending on the service. You may pay $130 for a 3 bedroom house, $170 for a 4 bedroom house, $250 – $300 for rodent removal, $225 for possum removal, $250 for a pre-purchase pest inspection and $300 – $700 for a combined building and pest inspection
For a ballpark idea, think about the size of your property:
$130 for a 3 bedroom house (one-off treatment internal and external spray only)
$170 for a 4 bedroom house (one-off treatment internal and external spray only)
$150 – $275 for indoor flea and tick treatment
$250 – $300 for rodent removal
$225 for possum removal
$180 – $225 for termite control of an isolated area
$250 for a pre-purchase pest inspection
$300 – $600 for a combined building and pest inspection
Household pests come in all shapes and sizes – from diminutive bed bugs and termites to ‘cute’ furry possums and the widely reviled cockroach.
Possums can cause structural damage to ceilings and roofing, and can also keep you up all night. Removal is the most sensible option to get rid of them.
We’re not playing: Here’s how possums can help your household
Mother Nature Network lauded possums for their pest control attributes, explaining, “Since their diet allows them to indulge on snails, slugs and beetles, they are a welcome addition to the garden. Opossums also keep rats and cockroaches at bay by competing with them for food. In fact, it’s common for opossums to kill cockroaches and rats if they find them in their territory.”
Even if you can’t appreciate a possum’s ability to clear the woods of bacteria-laden carrion, the species has other adorable characteristics. Below are some little known tidbits about the critters: Possum or Opossum?
That means the undeveloped young they give birth to just 12 days after breeding then crawl into their mother’s pouch and attach to a teat. When they’re 80 or 90 days old, the young start riding on their mother’s back, sometimes five or 10 of them, with feet and tail firmly attached to her fur.
Possums are smartSure, they’re not so great at looking out for cars, but they have a remarkable memory. When possums were tested for the ability to remember where food is, they scored better than rats, rabbits, cats and even dogs. They can also make their way through a maze more quickly than either rats or cats.