Bark scorpions are small in size and light brown in color, and reside in arid and semi-arid regions.
Bark scorpions are nightly predators, on the hunt for some of their favorite foods: crickets, roaches, spiders, and more. When they find their prey, they use their stinger to disable it and begin feeding. Humans most often encounter scorpions during the night. They have poor eyesight, so they often travel along baseboards in search of their next meal. They can go days without eating.
During the day, bark scorpions generally retreat to places of hiding—block walls, river rock in your yard, or in various nooks and crannies around the home. True to their name, they also like certain types of trees. Humans encounter scorpions during the day when this hiding place is accidentally disturbed.
Put away the old idea of a large, dangerous scorpion chasing people through a crypt. Bark scorpions are typically non-aggressive, and seek to avoid human contact. A vast majority of stings occur when people accidentally brush up, step on, or touch the scorpion. The sting is a reflexive means of protecting the scorpion from predators.
Remember how we mentioned that bark scorpions like trees? That’s probably why they’re the only type that can not only climb, but also suspend from ceilings and crawl across them. This only amplifies scorpions as a nuisance in the home: they can get to virtually anywhere at night while on the hunt.

Why a Scorpion Home Seal?
Sealing your house can solve many in home infestations. Insects and other pests often will enter a home through an unsealed door, torn screen, crack in the foundation or walls. After entry the pest will inhabit a portion of your home and reproduce. After a pest has infested your home it can be very difficult to exterminate. To prevent these pest from entering your home specific measures can be taken to seal these entry points.
How Scorpion Sealing Prevents Pests
By eliminating the entry points into your home pests will no longer be able to gain entry. This is the best defense you can take to prevent an indoor infestation. Sealing is also great at removing habitats for pests on the exterior of your home. These habitats and entry points can be located below ground in your foundation or on the top of your roof.
ow Scorpion Sealing Saves Energy
Even though your home will be sealed to prevent pests the entry ways for pests are also vectors of energy loss. Cool air in the summer and warm air in the winter can escape through these points just like the pests enter. Once all these gaps, cracks and holes are sealed your comfortable air will be trapped inside, saving on your energy bills.
How Scorpion Sealing Protects your home
Perhaps the most overlooked advantage of sealing your house is the deterrent it can be to burglars. Gaps in your doors or windows can provide an opening for a malcontent to use to gain entry. A broken screen or damage to your fence can be an open invitation to someone with a bad idea. Sealing will fix these issues causing your home to be less appealing to a criminal.

Scorpion Pest Control
home to more than half of the scorpion species living in the entire United States. Throughout the year—especially during the summer months or “scorpion season”—these creepy critters invade homes, businesses, and other spaces across
Of all of the scorpions common to our area, the bark scorpion poses the greatest threat to your family and pets. Bark scorpions are the most dangerous and venomous in all of North America, and, in some cases, their sting can be fatal. If you have scorpions in your home or business, it’s important to have an experienced scorpion exterminator to ensure their complete removal.
Scorpion Control
Scorpions are very common, Mesa, and the surrounding area. While most scorpions are confined to the ground, the bark scorpion is an able climber and can enter your home through opening as thin as a credit card. Scorpions will seek out dark, undisturbed areas close to the moisture they need, and they may respond aggressively if they’re suddenly disturbed.
The most effective scorpion extermination begins with taking proactive measures to remove any potential scorpion hiding places and nesting spots
The best ways to control scorpions on your property include:
Eliminating as many hiding places as possible: Scorpions will hide in even small piles of debris on your property, especially close to the structure. Keep vegetation, firewood, rocks, bark, and clutter away from your house.
Remove all standing water: Scorpions seek out nesting areas close to sources of water. Eliminate their sources by making sure there’s no standing water around your house. Also, inspect plumbing for any drips or slow leaks that could attract them. Scorpions can survive for quite a while without food, but not water.
Maintaining your landscape: Overgrown yards are a haven for scorpions. Keeping a tidy landscape eliminates refuges for scorpions, so regularly mow and also keep branches and bushes away from your house that can provide a route to your roof.
Seal openings into your home: Inspect your house for holes and gaps that allow scorpions to come inside. Repair weather stripping and screens, and seal openings where cables and utilities come through walls.
Check your attic: Because of their climbing ability, scorpions can enter your home at floor level and crawl all the way up to your attic to nest.

Pest Control
In an ideal world, pests like ants, termites and scorpions would know to stay out of people’s homes. If you are dealing with an infestation of these or other pests, however, you know that things don’t often work out that way
you may have tried taking matters into your own hands to no avail. Here’s the thing: Eliminating the pests you actually see is like slapping a band aid on a gaping wound
Say Goodbye to Scorpions
After catching a glimpse of even a single scorpion in your home, you’re going to want to nip the issue in the bud promptly. Where there’s one, there are often others. Unfortunately, scorpions leave no other telltale signs of their presence, so they could very well have been hunkering down in your home for some time. These eight-legged pests have curved, erect tails with stingers on the tip. The venom from the stinger typically only causes a little pain and swelling, but it can also cause numbness, convulsions or make it difficult to breathe. They often get into homes by hitching rides in firewood and other materials, but they may also squeeze in through cracks and holes
Bid Adieu to Ants
Everyone knows what ants look like, but how do they get into a home? It’s usually through very tiny holes and cracks. The first few ants to get in leave scent trails. Upon realizing there’s food to be had, their cohorts start streaming in. Some ants sting humans, but even if the ones in your home don’t, they are unpleasant to have around and can wreak havoc in kitchens and other places where food is present.
Show Termites the Door
If one pest strikes fear into the heart of a homeowner, it’s the termite. These wily little pests consume cellulose-based materials to survive, and that often includes the wood that makes up a house. These destructive pests often fly under the radar until significant amounts of damage have been done, so it’s critical to act quickly upon realizing there’s an infestation. They usually gain entry through debris piles near foundations and exterior walls, and they won’t leave on their own.

Scorpion Control
Much like their cousins the Spider, Scorpions are also Arachnids. Although mostly harmless, these cool crustacean looking bugs have the ability to scare the living daylight out of you.
Most of the Scorpions we find locally here in Seaview are of the burrowing kind. They are light sensitive and rarely move around during the day. Its for this reason we have devised a special treatment that targets Scorpions as well as other night dwelling crawling insects. This way you can keep your kids as well as pets safe from the horrors that go bump in the night.
Scorpions as well as similar Arachnids can be quite tricky to handle. Unlike Insects such as Cockroaches and Ants, Scorpions do not constantly groom themselves. This means that unlike conventional Insects they don’t spread insecticide all over their body once in contact with it. Couple this with their slower that average metabolism and you’ve got a dangerous predatory insect that doesn’t die that easily.
Know your enemy, in this case scorpions:
Scorpions found here in Seaview and throughout live in burrows: This means they frequent homes with pretty decorations. Rock features as well as potted plants are all fair game to a desperate Scorpion looking for a place to hide.
Scorpions are a predatory species: In lay mans terms this means that if you have a bug problem, chances are they are attracting Scorpions as well as other predatory Insects. A general Pest Control Fumigation can keep away more pests than just your average Fishmoth.
Scorpions do need water to survive: Contrary to popular belief, Scorpions do need water to survive. Granted, they do get a lot of moisture from their prey. This doesn’t mean that they will stay clear of puddles as well as other stagnant water sources. Making sure your garden is clean and clear of pools and puddles will not only deter Scorpions. It will do a good job at deterring other Insect species Scorpions may prey on.